Welcome to the One Health Surveillance Codex Document: The Knowledge Integration Platform!

The OHS Codex/Knowledge Integration Platform (OHS Codex/KIP) aims at establishing a high-level framework that supports mutual understanding and information exchange between One Health Surveillance (OHS) sectors, which are requisite for integrated OHS data analyses. To bring this framework into “action”, the OHS Codex/KIP postulates a set of five high-level principles as well as a number of resources (e.g. tools, technical solutions, guidance documents) and example implementations supporting the adoption of each OHS Codex/KIP principles. For each resource a short description is provided together with a link where more detailed information on the resource. Furthermore, under each principle OHS Codex/KIP users can find examples and “lessons learned” from pilot studies with practical experiences from different One Health efforts. The OHS Codex/KIP is designed as an open framework that is continuously updated to adapt to the needs of the One Health community.

The design of the OHS Codex/KIP follows the ambitions of the “Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Countries” (specifically chapters 3, 4 and 5), which highlight the importance of multi-sectorial One Health surveillance information sharing. With the OHS Codex/KIP document the One Health EJP H2020 ORION and MATRIX projects provide specific resources / solutions that support the practical implementation of actions proposed by the “Tripartite Zoonoses Guide” for a multi-sectoral One Health approach.
